

Explore the PimCell® PC-CTP8.4.0 chip with 4 compartmentalized microfluidic cell culture units, perfect for applications like 3D tubular cell culture, perfused angiogenesis, organoids, spheroids, assembloids, barrier integrity, transport studies, BBB modeling, gradient formation, and cell migration research.

Each PC-CTP8.4.0 microfluidic cell culture unit features a single microfluidic channel and two open-top cell culture chambers equipped with inverted capillary pressure barriers. These barriers ensure a clear and unobstructed view for inverted microscope observation. The open-top design of the cell culture chambers allows direct access to the cultures, while the chambers are specifically designed to accommodate partial filling with ECM at the interface between the chamber and the channel.


Cat.No.:                                  PC-CB24.2

Size:                                        34,5 mm x 24,8 mm

Not sterilized:                       sterilization with alcohol

Each pack contains (4) microfluidic chips

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