Microfluidic PimCell® devices need end user sterilization and should be sterilized by washing in 70% ethanol for 15 minutes followed by 3 times washing with a large volume of deionized water.
- Deionized (DI) water
- Ethanol: 70% in sterile DI water
Equipment & Materials
· Biosafety cabinet with UV-light
· Gloves
· Tweezers
· Washing reservoir
· Sterile napkin
· Petri dish
Microfluidic PimCell® device sterilization procedure
- Transfer a PimCell® device to a sterile laminar-flow biosafety cabinet
- In the biosafety cabinet, transfer the device to a washing reservoir
- Rinse inserts in 70% ethanol for 15 minutes followed by 3 times washing with a large volume of deionized water
- Transfer the PimCell® device to a sterile napkin using tweezers to dry the glass cover slip of the device
- Gently remove rests of water with a sterile pipette
- Transfer the PimCell® device to a sterile Petri dish using tweezers
- Place under UV-light for 15 minutes in the biosafety cabinet under sterile conditions
The sterilized devices can be stored at room temperature 23°C for 24 hours.
PimCell® products shall not be stored or used - not ever - at temperature above 40°C!